Dealing with money

As a newcomer in Arnhem, you are temporarily entitled to a benefit. You can also apply for allowances.

Omgaan met geld

It is smart to write down how much money you spend and how much you receive. You will receive help with this during the first few months that you live in Arnhem. Below, you will find more information on those topics.

You can read about your rights and obligations and exactly what help you will receive. 


From the day you have your own home, you can apply for a benefit from the municipality. We call this a social welfare benefit. This benefit is usually temporary. The aim is to find paid work within 3 years. 

Applying for the benefit

When you come to live in Arnhem, you will be assigned a social worker from the Dutch Refugee Council. This is someone who will help you feel at home in Arnhem. This person will also help you with practical things, like applying for the benefit. You can do that at the municipality. 

The benefit is temporary  

Your social welfare benefit is temporary. If you can work, you should work. Your benefit will stop when you have found paid work. Read more about working in the Netherlands.


If you receive a benefit, you will usually also be entitled to allowances. This is money that you receive from the tax authorities. For example, to pay part of your rent or your health insurance. For children under 18 you also receive child benefit. You can apply for allowances at the tax authorities. Your social worker will help you with this. How much allowance you receive depends on the rent you pay and your income.

It is important to apply for an allowance only if you are entitled to this. Otherwise, you must repay the money you have received. 

Child benefit

You receive the child benefit from the government. You will receive this amount every quarter. The organisation that rules this is the SVB, the Social Insurance Bank. You can find more information on child benefit on the website of the SVB. Your social worker will help you apply for allowances and child benefit. 

Preventing money worries

To avoid problems with money, it is smart to keep track of how much money you receive and how much you spend. Newcomers in the municipality of Arnhem can follow the Euro-Wijzer training. It also tells you what you can do if you have money worries and/or debts.  


If you come to live in Arnhem, you can follow the Euro-Wijzer training. This training is part of the social guidance. You will learn how to organise your money matters in the Netherlands. You will also learn, for example, where to shop cheaply. And what to do if you have money problems. 


You can also apply for the Gelrepas. This is a pass for people in Arnhem with a low income. With this pass, you receive money or discounts for all kinds of activities. For example, for the zoo, the museum, sports or a course.

Keeping records

It is smart to keep records. On the computer or in a booklet, you write down how much money you receive and how much you spend. You will learn how to do this in the Euro-Wijzer training. Your social worker will also help you with this

Money worries and debts

If you no longer have social guidance, you can still get help. For example, if you have money worries and debts. Sometimes, your debts can be waived. Seek help in time. Call or visit us at Goed Geregeld Arnhem. They can also help you fill in forms. 

If you have debts, the social district team can help you. Call 088-226 0000 or visit the website of Wijkteams Arnhem.

Special assistance

If you suddenly need extra money, you may be entitled to special assistance. The municipality determines whether you will receive this assistance. So you must have a good reason for this.