Requesting a postal address
Do you temporarily have no permanent residence? In certain situations you can request a postal address.
That way official agencies will still be able to reach you. A postal address can be the address of a family member, friend or acquaintance with whom you have arranged that they will receive and pass on your mail. It is not possible to have a PO box for a postal address.
You can request a postal address at the municipality in which the postal address is located. The principal occupant of the given postal address has to provide written consent for this. In Arnhem, you can submit a request for a postal address both in person and in writing.
Request in writing
Print the postal address request form with consent (Dutch, pdf, 79 kB). Send the completed form to: Gemeente Arnhem, Postbus 9029, 6800 EL Arnhem. Attach a copy of your and the principal occupant's proof of identity.
Request in person
You can also request a postal address in person at the Civil Affairs Department. To do so, please call the Customer Contact Centre at 0800 - 1809.
Documents you must provide
When you request a postal address in person, you will need to provide:
- a valid proof of identity
- a completed and signed postal address request form (Dutch, pdf, 79 kB)
- a copy of the proof of identity of the principal occupant
Terms and conditions
You are eligible for a postal address if:
- you are homeless
- you have to bridge a short period between two places of residence
- due to the performance of an ambulatory profession, you have no permanent place of residence
- you are staying abroad for a short period of time (maximum of 8 months)
- you are staying abroad for a period shorter than 2 years and sailing on a ship that has the Netherlands as home port
- you are staying in an institute that offers shelter to men or women (youth care, healthcare, domestic violence safe house or prison)
- taking on a home address is undesirable for reasons of security